Colossians 3:23-24 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
- All team members, parents, Coaches, Team Administrators, volunteers, and spectators must behave in a Christ-like manner and show respect toward others at all times.
- Team members must be responsible for themselves and to their team.
- Be respectful.
- Practice good sportsmanship.
- Follow any timelines set forth by your Coach for reading and/or writing practice questions.
Please view the short video below to watch a sample skirmish (battle) practice. Audio is low, so you may need to dial up the volume.
Q: How long does a team have to confer during a battle?
A: 15 seconds
Q: How many questions are asked during a battle round?
A: 8 In Which Book, 8 Content, and 2 Bible questions for a total of 18 questions per round.
Q: Who is allowed to speak for the team and give answers during a battle round?
A: Only the designated team spokesperson. If another team member gives an answer, the team forfeits the points for that question.
Q: If a team gives a wrong answer during a battle round, what happens?
A: The question passes to the opposing team. That team then has a chance to steal the points if they give the correct answer. If the opposing team gives a wrong answer, no points are awarded to either team.